This module provides the methods for visualizing different ouputs
from selene analysis methods.
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
import os
import re
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import transforms
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
import matplotlib.patheffects
from matplotlib.text import TextPath
import pkg_resources
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, plot
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import seaborn as sns
import tabix
from ..sequences import Genome
_SVG_PATHS = {'T': "M 0,100 l 100, 0 l 0,-25 l -37.5, 0 l 0,-75 l -25, 0 " +
"l 0,75 l -37.5,0 l 0,25 z",
'C': ("M 100,12.5 l 0,25 c 0,0 -25,-15 -50,-12.5 " +
"c 0,0 -25,0 -25,25 c 0,0 0,25 25,25 c 0,0 25,2.5 50,-15" +
" l 0, 25 C 100,87.5 75,100 50,100 C 50,100 0,100 0,50 " +
"C 0,50 0,0 50,0 C 50,0 75,0 100,12.5 z"),
'G': ("M 100,12.5 l 0,25 c 0,0 -25,-15 -50,-12.5 " +
"c 0,0 -25,0 -25,25 c 0,0 0,25 25,25 c 0,0 25,2.5 50,-15" +
" l 0, 25 C 100,87.5 75,100 50,100 C 50,100 0,100 0,50 " +
"C 0,50 0,0 50,0 C 50,0 75,0 100,12.5 M 100,37.5 " +
"l 0,17.5 l -50,0 l 0,-17 l 25,0 l 0,-25 l 25,0 z"),
'A': ("M 0,0 l 37.5,100 l 25,0 l 37.5,-100 l -25,0 l -9.375,25" +
" l -31.25,0 l -9.375,-25 l -25,0 z 0,0 M 43.75, 50 " +
"l 12.5,0 l -5.859375,15.625 l -5.859375,-15.625 z"),
'U': ("M 0,100 l 25,0 l 0,-50 C 25,50 25,25 50,25" +
" C 50,25 75,25 75,50 l 0,50 l 25,0 L 100,50 " +
"C 100,50 100,0, 50,0 C 50,0 0,0 0,50 l 0,50 z")}
def _svg_parse(path_string):
"""Functionality for parsing a string from source vector graphics.
Source is from `matplotlib.org/2.1.1/gallery/showcase/firefox.html`
with minor modifications.
path_string : str
String containing the path code from an SVG file.
list(numpy.uint8), numpy.ndarray, dtype=np.float32
A 2-tuple containing code types and coordinates for a matplotlib
commands = {'M': (Path.MOVETO,),
'L': (Path.LINETO,),
'Q': (Path.CURVE3,)*2,
'C': (Path.CURVE4,)*3,
'Z': (Path.CLOSEPOLY,)}
path_re = re.compile(r'([MLHVCSQTAZ])([^MLHVCSQTAZ]+)', re.IGNORECASE)
float_re = re.compile(r'(?:[\s,]*)([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)')
vertices = []
codes = []
last = (0, 0)
for cmd, values in path_re.findall(path_string):
points = [float(v) for v in float_re.findall(values)]
points = np.array(points).reshape((len(points)//2, 2))
if cmd.islower():
points += last
cmd = cmd.capitalize()
if len(points) > 0:
last = points[-1]
return np.array(vertices), codes
for k in _SVG_PATHS.keys():
_SVG_PATHS[k] = _svg_parse(_SVG_PATHS[k])
class _TextPathRenderingEffect(matplotlib.patheffects.AbstractPathEffect):
"""This class provides an effect for continuously rendering a text
path over another path.
def __init__(self, bar, x_translation=0., y_translation=0.,
x_scale=1., y_scale=1.):
"""This is a class for re-rendering text paths and preserving
their scale.
bar : matplotlib.patches.Patch
The patch where the letter is.
x_translation : float, optional
Default is 0. Amount by which to translate the x coordinate.
y_translation : float, optional
Default is 0. Amount by which to translate the y coordinate.
x_scale : float, optional
Default is 1. Amount by which to scale the width.
y_scale : float, optional
Default is 1. Amount by which to scale the height.
self._bar = bar
self._x_translation = x_translation
self._y_translation = y_translation
self._x_scale = x_scale
self._y_scale = y_scale
def draw_path(self, renderer, gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace=None):
"""Redraws the path.
b_x, b_y, b_w, b_h = self._bar.get_extents().bounds
t_x, t_y, t_w, t_h = tpath.get_extents().bounds
translation = [b_x - t_x, b_y - t_y]
translation[0] += self._x_translation
translation[1] += self._y_translation
scale = [b_w / t_w, b_h / t_h]
scale[0] *= self._x_scale
scale[1] *= self._y_scale
affine = affine.identity().scale(*scale).translate(*translation)
renderer.draw_path(gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace)
[docs]def sequence_logo(score_matrix, order="value", width=1.0, ax=None,
sequence_type=Genome, font_properties=None,
"""Plots a sequence logo for visualizing motifs.
score_matrix : np.ndarray
An :math:`L \\times N` array (where :math:`L` is the length of
the sequence, and :math:`N` is the size of the alphabet)
containing the scores for each base occuring at each position.
order : {'alpha', 'value'}
The manner by which to sort the bases stacked at each position
in the sequence logo plot.
* 'alpha' - Bases go in the order they are found in the\
sequence alphabet.
* 'value' - Bases go in the order of their value, with the\
largest at the bottom.
width : float, optional
Default is 1. The width of each character in the plotted logo.
A value of 1 will mean that there is no gap between each the
characters at each position. A value of 0 will not draw any
ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes or None, optional
Default is `None`. The axes to plot on. If left as `None`, a new
axis will be created.
sequence_type : class, optional
Default is `selene_sdk.sequences.Genome`. The type of sequence that
the *in silico* mutagenesis results are associated with. This
should generally be a subclass of `selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence`.
font_properties : matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties or None, optional
Default is `None`. A `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`
object that specifies the properties of the font to use for
plotting the motif. If `None`, no font will be used, and the
text will be rendered by a path. This method of rendering paths
is preferred, as it ensures all character heights correspond to
the actual values, and that there are no extra gaps between
the tops and bottoms of characters at each position in the
sequence logo. If the user opts to use a value other
than `None`, then no such guarantee can be made.
color_scheme : list(str) or None, optional
Default is `None`. A list containing the hex codes or names of
colors to use, appearing in the order of the bases of the
sequence type. If left as `None`, a default palette will be made
with `seaborn.color_palette`, and will have as many
colors as there are characters in the input sequence alphabet.
The axes containing the sequence logo plot.
If the number of columns in `score_matrix` does not match the
number of characters in the alphabet of `sequence_type`.
If the number of colors in `color_palette` does not match the
number of characters in the alphabet of `sequence_type`.
We have included an example of the output from a `sequence_logo`
plot below:
.. image:: ../../docs/source/_static/img/sequence_logo_example.png
# Note that everything will break if we do not deepcopy.
score_matrix = deepcopy(score_matrix)
score_matrix = score_matrix.transpose()
if font_properties is not None:
"Specifying a value for `font_properties` (other than `None`) "
"will use the `matplotlib`-based character paths, and causes "
"distortions in the plotted motif. We recommend leaving "
"`font_properties=None`. See the documentation for details.",
if color_scheme is None:
color_scheme = sns.color_palette("Set1",
color_scheme = color_scheme.as_hex()
if len(color_scheme) < len(sequence_type.BASES_ARR):
raise ValueError(
"Color scheme is shorter than number of bases in sequence.")
if score_matrix.shape[0] != len(sequence_type.BASES_ARR):
raise ValueError(
"Got score with {0} bases for sequence with {1} bases.".format(
score_matrix.shape[0], len(sequence_type.BASES_ARR)))
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=score_matrix.shape)
# Determine offsets depending on sort order.
positive_offsets = np.zeros_like(score_matrix)
negative_offsets = np.zeros_like(score_matrix)
bases = np.empty(score_matrix.shape, dtype=object)
bases[:, :] = "?" # This ensures blanks are visually obvious.
# Change ordering of things based on input arguments.
if order == "alpha":
for i in range(score_matrix.shape[0]):
bases[i, :] = sequence_type.BASES_ARR[i]
elif order == "value":
if np.sum(score_matrix < 0) != 0:
sorted_scores = np.zeros_like(score_matrix)
for j in range(score_matrix.shape[1]):
# Sort the negative values and put them at bottom.
div = np.sum(score_matrix[:, j] < 0.)
negative_idx = np.argwhere(score_matrix[:, j] < 0.).flatten()
negative_sort_idx = np.argsort(score_matrix[negative_idx, j],
sorted_scores[:div, j] = score_matrix[
negative_idx[negative_sort_idx], j]
bases[:div, j] = sequence_type.BASES_ARR[
# Sort the positive values and stack atop the negatives.
positive_idx = np.argwhere(score_matrix[:, j] >= 0.).flatten()
positive_sort_idx = np.argsort(score_matrix[positive_idx, j],
sorted_scores[div:, j] = score_matrix[
positive_idx[positive_sort_idx], j]
bases[div:, j] = sequence_type.BASES_ARR[
score_matrix = sorted_scores
for j in range(score_matrix.shape[1]):
sort_idx = np.argsort(score_matrix[:, j], axis=None)[::-1]
bases[:, j] = sequence_type.BASES_ARR[sort_idx]
score_matrix[:, j] = score_matrix[sort_idx, j]
# Create offsets for each bar.
for i in range(score_matrix.shape[0] - 1):
y_coords = score_matrix[i, :]
if i > 0:
negative_offsets[i + 1, :] = negative_offsets[i, :]
positive_offsets[i + 1, :] = positive_offsets[i, :]
neg_idx = np.argwhere(y_coords < 0.)
pos_idx = np.argwhere(y_coords >= 0.)
negative_offsets[i + 1, neg_idx] += y_coords[neg_idx]
positive_offsets[i + 1, pos_idx] += y_coords[pos_idx]
for i in range(score_matrix.shape[0]):
x_coords = np.arange(score_matrix.shape[1]) + 0.5
y_coords = score_matrix[i, :]
# Manage negatives and positives separately.
offsets = np.zeros(score_matrix.shape[1])
negative_idx = np.argwhere(y_coords < 0.)
positive_idx = np.argwhere(y_coords >= 0.)
offsets[negative_idx] = negative_offsets[i, negative_idx]
offsets[positive_idx] = positive_offsets[i, positive_idx]
bars = ax.bar(x_coords, y_coords, color="black", width=width,
for j, bar in enumerate(bars):
base = bases[i, j]
# Iterate over the barplot's bars and turn them into letters.
new_patches = []
for i, bar in enumerate(ax.patches):
base_idx = i // score_matrix.shape[1]
seq_idx = i % score_matrix.shape[1]
base = bases[base_idx, seq_idx]
# We construct a text path that tracks the bars in the barplot.
# Thus, the barplot takes care of scaling and translation,
# and we just copy it.
if font_properties is None:
text = Path(_SVG_PATHS[base][0], _SVG_PATHS[base][1])
text = TextPath((0., 0.), base, fontproperties=font_properties)
b_x, b_y, b_w, b_h = bar.get_extents().bounds
t_x, t_y, t_w, t_h = text.get_extents().bounds
scale = (b_w / t_w, b_h / t_h)
translation = (b_x - t_x, b_y - t_y)
text = PathPatch(text, facecolor=bar.get_facecolor(), lw=0.)
transform = transforms.Affine2D().translate(*translation).scale(*scale)
for patch in new_patches:
ax.set_xlim(0, score_matrix.shape[1])
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(score_matrix.shape[1]) + 0.5)
return ax
[docs]def rescale_score_matrix(score_matrix, base_scaling="identity",
"""Performs base-wise and position-wise scaling of a score matrix for a
feature, usually produced from an *in silico* mutagenesis experiment.
score_matrix : numpy.ndarray
An :math:`L \\times N` matrix containing the scores for each
position, where :math:`L` is the length of the sequence, and
:math:`N` is the number of characters in the alphabet.
base_scaling : {'identity', 'probability', 'max_effect'}
The type of scaling performed on each base at a given position.
* 'identity' - No transformation will be applied to the\
* 'probability' - The relative sizes of the bases will be\
the original input probabilities.
* 'max_effect' - The relative sizes of the bases will be\
the max effect of the original input\
position_scaling : {'identity', 'probability', 'max_effect'}
The type of scaling performed on each position.
* 'identity' - No transformation will be applied to the data.
* 'probability' - The sum of values at a position will be\
equal to the sum of the original input\
values at that position.
* 'max_effect' - The sum of values at a position will be\
equal to the sum of the max effect values\
of the original input values at that\
The transformed score matrix.
If an unsupported `base_scaling` or `position_scaling` is
# Note that things can break if we do not deepcopy.
score_matrix = deepcopy(score_matrix)
score_matrix = score_matrix.transpose()
rescaled_scores = score_matrix
# Scale individual bases.
if base_scaling == "identity" or base_scaling == "probability":
elif base_scaling == "max_effect":
rescaled_scores = score_matrix - np.min(score_matrix, axis=0)
raise ValueError(
"Could not find base scaling \"{0}\".".format(base_scaling))
# Scale each position
if position_scaling == "max_effect":
max_effects = np.max(score_matrix, axis=0) - np.min(score_matrix,
rescaled_scores /= rescaled_scores.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
rescaled_scores *= max_effects[np.newaxis, :]
elif position_scaling == "probability":
rescaled_scores /= np.sum(score_matrix, axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
elif position_scaling != "identity":
raise ValueError(
"Could not find position scaling \"{0}\".".format(
return rescaled_scores.transpose()
[docs]def heatmap(score_matrix, mask=None, sequence_type=Genome, **kwargs):
"""Plots the input matrix of scores, generally those produced by an
*in silico* mutagenesis experiment, on a heatmap.
score_matrix : numpy.ndarray
An :math:`L \\times N` array (where :math:`L` is the length of
the sequence, and :math:`N` is the size of the alphabet)
containing the scores for each base change at each position.
mask : numpy.ndarray, dtype=bool or None, optional
Default is `None`. An :math:`L \\times N` array (where :math:`L`
is the length of the sequence, and :math:`N` is the size of the
alphabet) containing `True` at positions in the heatmap to
mask. If `None`, no masking will occur.
sequence_type : class, optional
Default is `selene_sdk.sequences.Genome`. The class of sequence that
the *in silico* mutagenesis results are associated with. This is
generally a sub-class of `selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence`.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to pass to `seaborn.heatmap`. Some useful ones
to remember are:
* cbar_kws - Keyword arguments to forward to the colorbar.
* yticklabels - Manipulate the tick labels on the y axis.
* cbar - If `False`, hide the color bar. If `True`, show\
the colorbar.
* cmap - The color map to use for the heatmap.
The axes containing the heatmap plot.
# Note that some things can break if we do not deepcopy.
score_matrix = deepcopy(score_matrix)
# This flipping is so that ordering is consistent with ordering
# in the sequence logo.
if mask is not None:
mask = mask.transpose()
mask = np.flip(mask, axis=0)
score_matrix = score_matrix.transpose()
score_matrix = np.flip(score_matrix, axis=0)
if "yticklabels" in kwargs:
yticklabels = kwargs.pop("yticklabels")
yticklabels = sequence_type.BASES_ARR[::-1]
if "cbar_kws" in kwargs:
cbar_kws = kwargs.pop("cbar_kws")
cbar_kws = dict(use_gridspec=False, location="bottom", pad=0.2)
if "cmap" in kwargs:
cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap")
cmap = "Blues"
ret = sns.heatmap(score_matrix, mask=mask, yticklabels=yticklabels,
cbar_kws=cbar_kws, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
ret.set_yticklabels(labels=ret.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0)
return ret
[docs]def load_variant_abs_diff_scores(input_path):
Loads the variant data, labels, and feature names from a diff scores
file output from variant effect prediction.
TODO: should we move this out of `vis.py`?
input_path : str
Path to the input file.
tuple(np.ndarray, list(tuple(str)), list(str))
* `tuple[0]` is the matrix of absolute difference scores. The rows\
are the variants and the columns are the features for which the\
model makes predictions.
* `tuple[1]` is the list of variant labels. Each tuple contains\
(chrom, pos, name, ref, alt).
* `tuple[2]` is the list of features.
features = []
labels = []
diffs = []
with open(input_path, 'r') as file_handle:
colnames = file_handle.readline()
features = colnames.strip().split('\t')[5:]
for line in file_handle:
cols = line.strip().split('\t')
scores = [float(f) for f in cols[5:]]
label = tuple(cols[:5])
diffs = np.array(diffs)
return (diffs, labels, features)
[docs]def sort_standard_chrs(chrom):
Returns the value on which the
standard chromosomes can be sorted.
chrom : str
The chromosome
The value on which to sort
chrom = chrom[3:]
if chrom.isdigit():
return int(chrom)
if chrom == 'X':
return 23
elif chrom == 'Y':
return 24
elif chrom == 'M':
return 25
else: # unknown chr
return 26
[docs]def ordered_variants_and_indices(labels):
Get the ordered variant labels, where the labels are sorted by chromosome
and position, and the indices corresponding to the sort,
labels : list(tuple(str))
The list of variant labels. Each label is a tuple of
(chrom, pos, name, ref, alt).
tuple(list(tuple), list(int))
The first value is the ordered list of labels. Each label
is a tuple of (chrom, pos, ref, alt). The second value
is the ordered list of label indices.
labels_dict = defaultdict(list)
for i, l in enumerate(labels):
chrom, pos, name, ref, alt = l
pos = int(pos)
info = (i, pos, ref, alt)
for chrom, labels_list in labels_dict.items():
labels_list.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1:])
ordered_keys = sorted(labels_dict.keys(),
ordered_labels = []
ordered_label_indices = []
for chrom in ordered_keys:
for l in labels_dict[chrom]:
index, pos, ref, alt = l
ordered_labels.append((chrom, pos, ref, alt))
return (ordered_labels, ordered_label_indices)
def _label_tuple_to_text(label, diff, genes=None):
Converts the variant label tuple to a string.
label : tuple(str)
A tuple of (chrom, pos, ref, alt).
diff : float
The max difference score across some or all features in the model.
genes : list(str) or None, optional
Default is None. If the closest protein-coding `genes` are specified,
will display them in the label text.
The label text.
chrom, pos, ref, alt = label
if genes is not None:
if len(genes) == 0:
genes_str = "none found"
genes_str = ', '.join(genes)
text = ("max diff score: {0}<br />{1} {2}, {3}/{4}<br />"
"closest protein-coding gene(s): {5}").format(
diff, chrom, pos, ref, alt, genes_str)
text = "max diff score: {0}<br />{1} {2}, {3}/{4}".format(
diff, chrom, pos, ref, alt)
return text
def _variant_closest_genes(label, tabix_fh, chrs_gene_intervals):
chrom = label[0]
pos = label[1]
closest_genes = []
overlaps = tabix_fh.query(chrom, pos, pos + 1)
for o in overlaps:
except tabix.TabixError:
if len(closest_genes) != 0:
return closest_genes
gene_intervals = chrs_gene_intervals[chrom]
closest = None
for (start, end, strand, gene) in gene_intervals:
if start < pos and closest and closest == pos - end:
elif start < pos and (closest is None
or closest > pos - end):
closest = pos - end
closest_genes = [gene]
elif start > pos and closest and closest == start - pos:
elif start > pos and (closest is None
or closest > start - pos):
closest = start - pos
closest_genes = [gene]
return closest_genes
def _load_chrs_gene_intervals(gene_intervals_bed):
chrs_gene_intervals = defaultdict(list)
with open(gene_intervals_bed, 'r') as file_handle:
for line in file_handle:
cols = line.strip().split('\t')
chrom = cols[0]
start = int(cols[1])
end = int(cols[2])
strand = cols[3]
gene = cols[4]
chrs_gene_intervals[chrom].append((start, end, strand, gene))
return chrs_gene_intervals
def _variants_closest_protein_coding_gene(labels, version="hg38"):
gene_intervals_tabix = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
gene_intervals_bed = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
tabix_fh = tabix.open(gene_intervals_tabix)
chrs_gene_intervals = _load_chrs_gene_intervals(gene_intervals_bed)
labels_gene_information = []
for l in labels:
l, tabix_fh, chrs_gene_intervals))
return labels_gene_information
[docs]def variant_diffs_scatter_plot(data,
Displays each variant's max probability difference across features
as a point in a scatter plot. The points in the scatter plot are
ordered by the variant chromosome and position by default. Variants can
be sorted differently by passing in a new `labels_sort_fn`.
data : np.ndarray
Absolute difference scores for variants across all features that a
model predicts. This is the first value in the tuple returned by
labels : list(tuple(str))
A list of variant labels. This is the second value in the tuple
returned by `load_variant_abs_diff_scores`.
features : list(str)
A list of the features the model predicts. This is the third value
in the tuple returned by `load_variant_abs_diff_scores`.
output_path : str
Path to output file. Must have '.html' extension.
filter_features : types.FunctionType or None, optional
Default is None. A function that takes in a `list(str)` of features
and returns the `list(int)` of feature indices over which we would
compute the max(probability difference) for each variant. For example,
a user may only want to visualize the max probability difference
for TF binding features. If `None`, uses all the features.
labels_sort_fn : types.FunctionType, optional
Default is `ordered_variants_and_indices`. A function that takes
in a `list(tuple(str))` of labels corresponding to the rows in `data`
and returns a `tuple(list(tuple), list(int))`, where the first value
is the ordered list of variant labels and the second value is the
ordered list of indices for those variant labels. By default,
variants are sorted by chromosome and position.
nth_percentile : int [0, 100] or None, optional
Default is None. If `nth_percentile` is not None, only displays the
variants with a max absolute difference score within the
`nth_percentile` of scores.
hg_reference_version : str {"hg19", "hg38"} or None, optional
Default is None. On hover, we can display the gene(s) closest to
each variant if `hg_reference_version` is not None, where closest
can be a variant within a gene interval (where genes and
their coordinates are taken from level 1 & 2 protein-coding genes
in gencode v28) or near a gene. In the future, we will allow users
to specify their own genome file so that this information can
be annotated to variants from other organisms, other genome versions,
threshold_line : float or None, optional
Default is None. If `threshold_line` is not None, draws a horizontal
line at the specified threshold. Helps focus the visual on variants
above a certain threshold.
auto_open : bool, optional
Default is False. If `auto_open`, will automatically open a web
browser that displays the plotted HTML file.
The generated Plotly figure.
labels_ordered, label_indices = labels_sort_fn(labels)
variant_closest_genes = None
if hg_reference_version is not None:
variant_closest_genes = _variants_closest_protein_coding_gene(
labels_ordered, version=hg_reference_version)
ordered_data = data[label_indices, :]
feature_indices = None
if filter_features is not None:
feature_indices = filter_features(features)
ordered_data = data[:, feature_indices]
variants_max_diff = np.amax(ordered_data, axis=1)
display_labels = None
if nth_percentile:
p = np.percentile(variants_max_diff, nth_percentile)
keep = np.where(variants_max_diff >= p)[0]
print("{0} variants with max abs diff score above {1} are in the "
"{2}th percentile.".format(
len(keep), p, nth_percentile))
variants_max_diff = variants_max_diff[keep]
display_labels = []
for i, l in enumerate(labels_ordered):
if i not in keep:
display_labels = labels_ordered
if variant_closest_genes:
text_labels = [
_label_tuple_to_text(l, d, g) for l, d, g in
zip(display_labels, variants_max_diff, variant_closest_genes)]
text_labels = [_label_tuple_to_text(l, d) for l, d in
zip(display_labels, variants_max_diff)]
label_x = [' '.join([l[0], str(l[1])]) for l in display_labels]
data = [go.Scatter(x=label_x,
marker = dict(
color = "#39CCCC",
line = dict(width = 1)),
go_layout = {
"title": "Max probability difference scores",
"hovermode": "closest",
"hoverlabel": {
"font": {"size": 16}
"xaxis": {
"title": "Genome coordinates",
"showticklabels": True,
"tickangle": 35,
"titlefont": {"family": "Arial, sans-serif",
"size": 16},
"nticks": 25,
"tickmode": "auto",
"automargin": True
"yaxis": {
"title": "Absolute difference",
"titlefont": {"family": "Arial, sans-serif",
"size": 16}
if isinstance(threshold_line, float):
layout = go.Layout(
{"type": "line",
"x0": label_x[0],
"y0": threshold_line,
"x1": label_x[-1],
"y1": threshold_line,
"line": {
"color": "rgba(255, 99, 71, 1)",
"width": 2
layout = go.Layout(**go_layout)
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
path, filename = os.path.split(output_path)
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
plot(fig, filename=output_path, auto_open=auto_open)
return fig