Source code for selene_sdk.utils.performance_metrics

This module provides the `PerformanceMetrics` class and supporting
functionality for tracking and computing model performance.
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
from scipy.stats import rankdata

logger = logging.getLogger("selene")

Metric = namedtuple("Metric", ["fn", "data"])
A tuple containing a metric function and the results from applying that
metric to some values.

fn : types.FunctionType
    A metric.
data : list(float)
    A list holding the results from applying the metric.

fn : types.FunctionType
    A metric.
data : list(float)
    A list holding the results from applying the metric.


[docs]def visualize_roc_curves(prediction, target, output_dir, report_gt_feature_n_positives=50, style="seaborn-colorblind", fig_title="Feature ROC curves", dpi=500): """ Output the ROC curves for each feature predicted by a model as an SVG. Parameters ---------- prediction : numpy.ndarray Value predicted by user model. target : numpy.ndarray True value that the user model was trying to predict. output_dir : str The path to the directory to output the figures. Directories that do not currently exist will be automatically created. report_gt_feature_n_positives : int, optional Default is 50. Do not visualize an ROC curve for a feature with less than 50 positive examples in `target`. style : str, optional Default is "seaborn-colorblind". Specify a style available in `` to use. fig_title : str, optional Default is "Feature ROC curves". Set the figure title. dpi : int, optional Default is 500. Specify dots per inch (resolution) of the figure. Returns ------- None Outputs the figure in `output_dir`. """ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) import matplotlib backend = matplotlib.get_backend() if "inline" not in backend: matplotlib.use("SVG") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() for index, feature_preds in enumerate(prediction.T): feature_targets = target[:, index] if len(np.unique(feature_targets)) > 1 and \ np.sum(feature_targets) > report_gt_feature_n_positives: fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(feature_targets, feature_preds) plt.plot(fpr, tpr, 'r-', color="black", alpha=0.3, lw=1) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') if fig_title: plt.title(fig_title) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, "roc_curves.svg"), format="svg", dpi=dpi)
[docs]def visualize_precision_recall_curves( prediction, target, output_dir, report_gt_feature_n_positives=50, style="seaborn-colorblind", fig_title="Feature precision-recall curves", dpi=500): """ Output the precision-recall (PR) curves for each feature predicted by a model as an SVG. Parameters ---------- prediction : numpy.ndarray Value predicted by user model. target : numpy.ndarray True value that the user model was trying to predict. output_dir : str The path to the directory to output the figures. Directories that do not currently exist will be automatically created. report_gt_feature_n_positives : int, optional Default is 50. Do not visualize an PR curve for a feature with less than 50 positive examples in `target`. style : str, optional Default is "seaborn-colorblind". Specify a style available in `` to use. fig_title : str, optional Default is "Feature precision-recall curves". Set the figure title. dpi : int, optional Default is 500. Specify dots per inch (resolution) of the figure. Returns ------- None Outputs the figure in `output_dir`. """ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # TODO: fix this import matplotlib backend = matplotlib.get_backend() if "inline" not in backend: matplotlib.use("SVG") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() for index, feature_preds in enumerate(prediction.T): feature_targets = target[:, index] if len(np.unique(feature_targets)) > 1 and \ np.sum(feature_targets) > report_gt_feature_n_positives: precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve( feature_targets, feature_preds) plt.step( recall, precision, 'r-', color="black", alpha=0.3, lw=1, where="post") plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') if fig_title: plt.title(fig_title) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, "precision_recall_curves.svg"), format="svg", dpi=dpi)
def compute_score(prediction, target, metric_fn, report_gt_feature_n_positives=10): """ Using a user-specified metric, computes the distance between two tensors. Parameters ---------- prediction : numpy.ndarray Value predicted by user model. target : numpy.ndarray True value that the user model was trying to predict. metric_fn : types.FunctionType A metric that can measure the distance between the prediction and target variables. report_gt_feature_n_positives : int, optional Default is 10. The minimum number of positive examples for a feature in order to compute the score for it. Returns ------- average_score, feature_scores : tuple(float, numpy.ndarray) A tuple containing the average of all feature scores, and a vector containing the scores for each feature. If there were no features meeting our filtering thresholds, will return `(None, [])`. """ feature_scores = np.ones(target.shape[1]) * np.nan for index, feature_preds in enumerate(prediction.T): feature_targets = target[:, index] if len(np.unique(feature_targets)) > 0 and \ np.count_nonzero(feature_targets) > report_gt_feature_n_positives: try: feature_scores[index] = metric_fn( feature_targets, feature_preds) except ValueError: # do I need to make this more generic? continue valid_feature_scores = [s for s in feature_scores if not np.isnan(s)] # Allow 0 or negative values. if not valid_feature_scores: return None, feature_scores average_score = np.average(valid_feature_scores) return average_score, feature_scores def get_feature_specific_scores(data, get_feature_from_index_fn): """ Generates a dictionary mapping feature names to feature scores from an intermediate representation. Parameters ---------- data : list(tuple(int, float)) A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a feature's index and the score for that feature. get_feature_from_index_fn : types.FunctionType A function that takes an index (`int`) and returns a feature name (`str`). Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping feature names (`str`) to scores (`float`). If there was no score for a feature, its score will be set to `None`. """ feature_score_dict = {} for index, score in enumerate(data): feature = get_feature_from_index_fn(index) if not np.isnan(score): feature_score_dict[feature] = score else: feature_score_dict[feature] = None return feature_score_dict def auc_u_test(labels, predictions): """ Outputs the area under the the ROC curve associated with a certain set of labels and the predictions given by the training model. Computed from the U statistic. Parameters ---------- labels: numpy.ndarray Known labels of values predicted by model. Must be one dimensional. predictions: numpy.ndarray Value predicted by user model. Must be one dimensional, with matching dimension to `labels` Returns ------- float AUC value of given label, prediction pairs """ len_pos = int(np.sum(labels)) len_neg = len(labels) - len_pos rank_sum = np.sum(rankdata(predictions)[labels == 1]) u_value = rank_sum - (len_pos * (len_pos + 1)) / 2 auc = u_value / (len_pos * len_neg) return auc
[docs]class PerformanceMetrics(object): """ Tracks and calculates metrics to evaluate how closely a model's predictions match the true values it was designed to predict. Parameters ---------- get_feature_from_index_fn : types.FunctionType A function that takes an index (`int`) and returns a feature name (`str`). report_gt_feature_n_positives : int, optional Default is 10. The minimum number of positive examples for a feature in order to compute the score for it. metrics : dict A dictionary that maps metric names (`str`) to metric functions. By default, this contains `"roc_auc"`, which maps to `sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score`, and `"average_precision"`, which maps to `sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score`. Attributes ---------- skip_threshold : int The minimum number of positive examples of a feature that must be included in an update for a metric score to be calculated for it. get_feature_from_index : types.FunctionType A function that takes an index (`int`) and returns a feature name (`str`). metrics : dict A dictionary that maps metric names (`str`) to metric objects (`Metric`). By default, this contains `"roc_auc"` and `"average_precision"`. """ def __init__(self, get_feature_from_index_fn, report_gt_feature_n_positives=10, metrics=dict(roc_auc=roc_auc_score, average_precision=average_precision_score)): """ Creates a new object of the `PerformanceMetrics` class. """ self.skip_threshold = report_gt_feature_n_positives self.get_feature_from_index = get_feature_from_index_fn self.metrics = dict() for k, v in metrics.items(): self.metrics[k] = Metric(fn=v, data=[])
[docs] def add_metric(self, name, metric_fn): """ Begins tracking of the specified metric. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the metric. metric_fn : types.FunctionType A metric function. """ self.metrics[name] = Metric(fn=metric_fn, data=[])
[docs] def remove_metric(self, name): """ Ends the tracking of the specified metric, and returns the previous scores associated with that metric. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the metric. Returns ------- list(float) The list of feature-specific scores obtained by previous uses of the specified metric. """ data = self.metrics[name].data del self.metrics[name] return data
[docs] def update(self, prediction, target): """ Evaluates the tracked metrics on a model prediction and its target value, and adds this to the metric histories. Parameters ---------- prediction : numpy.ndarray Value predicted by user model. target : numpy.ndarray True value that the user model was trying to predict. Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping each metric names (`str`) to the average score of that metric across all features (`float`). """ metric_scores = {} for name, metric in self.metrics.items(): avg_score, feature_scores = compute_score( prediction, target, metric.fn, report_gt_feature_n_positives=self.skip_threshold) metric_scores[name] = avg_score return metric_scores
[docs] def visualize(self, prediction, target, output_dir, **kwargs): """ Outputs ROC and PR curves. Does not support other metrics currently. Parameters ---------- prediction : numpy.ndarray Value predicted by user model. target : numpy.ndarray True value that the user model was trying to predict. output_dir : str The path to the directory to output the figures. Directories that do not currently exist will be automatically created. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass to each visualization function. Each function accepts the following args: * style : str - Default is "seaborn-colorblind". Specify a \ style available in \ `` to use. * dpi : int - Default is 500. Specify dots per inch \ (resolution) of the figure. Returns ------- None Outputs figures to `output_dir`. """ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) if "roc_auc" in self.metrics: visualize_roc_curves( prediction, target, output_dir, report_gt_feature_n_positives=self.skip_threshold, **kwargs) if "average_precision" in self.metrics: visualize_precision_recall_curves( prediction, target, output_dir, report_gt_feature_n_positives=self.skip_threshold, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_feature_scores_to_file(self, output_path): """ Writes each metric's score for each feature to a specified file. Parameters ---------- output_path : str The path to the output file where performance metrics will be written. Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping feature names (`str`) to sub-dictionaries (`dict`). Each sub-dictionary then maps metric names (`str`) to the score for that metric on the given feature. If a metric was not evaluated on a given feature, the score will be `None`. """ feature_scores = defaultdict(dict) for name, metric in self.metrics.items(): feature_score_dict = get_feature_specific_scores([-1], self.get_feature_from_index) for feature, score in feature_score_dict.items(): if score is None: feature_scores[feature] = None else: feature_scores[feature][name] = score metric_cols = [m for m in self.metrics.keys()] cols = '\t'.join(["class"] + metric_cols) with open(output_path, 'w+') as file_handle: file_handle.write("{0}\n".format(cols)) for feature, metric_scores in sorted(feature_scores.items()): if not metric_scores: file_handle.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(feature, "\t".join(["NA"] * len(metric_cols)))) else: metric_score_cols = '\t'.join( ["{0:.4f}".format(s) for s in metric_scores.values()]) file_handle.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(feature, metric_score_cols)) return feature_scores