Source code for selene_sdk.interpret.ism_result

This module provides the `ISMResult` class, which stores results for
an *in silico* mutagenesis experiment.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..sequences import Genome

[docs]class ISMResult(object): """ An object storing the results of an *in silico* mutagenesis experiment. Parameters ---------- data_frame : pandas.DataFrame The data frame with the results from the *in silico* mutagenesis experiments. sequence_type : class, optional Default is `selene_sdk.sequences.Genome`. The type of sequence that the *in silico* mutagenesis results are associated with. This should generally be a subclass of `selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence` Raises ------ ValueError If the input data frame contains a base not included in the alphabet of `sequence_type`. Exception If multiple reference positions are specified in the input data frame. Exception If the input data does not contain scores for every mutation at every position. """ def __init__(self, data_frame, sequence_type=Genome): """ Constructs a new `selene_sdk.interpret.ISMResult` object. """ # Construct the reference sequence. alpha = set(sequence_type.BASES_ARR) ref_seq = [""] * (int(data_frame["pos"].iloc[-1]) + 1) seen = set() for row_idx, row in data_frame.iterrows(): # Skip the reference value if not (row_idx == 0 and row["alt"] == "NA" and row["ref"] == "NA"): cur_ref = row["ref"] if cur_ref not in alpha and cur_ref != sequence_type.UNK_BASE: raise ValueError( "Found character \'{0}\' from outside current alphabet" " on row {1}.".format(cur_ref, row_idx)) i = int(row["pos"]) seen.add(i) if ref_seq[i] != "": if ref_seq[i] != cur_ref: raise Exception( "Found 2 different letters for reference \'{0}\'" " and \'{1}\' on row {2}.".format(ref_seq[i], cur_ref, row_idx)) else: ref_seq[i] = cur_ref if len(seen) != len(ref_seq): raise Exception( "Expected characters for {0} positions, but only found {1} of " "them.".format(len(ref_seq), len(seen))) ref_seq = "".join(ref_seq) self._reference_sequence = ref_seq self._data_frame = data_frame self._sequence_type = sequence_type @property def reference_sequence(self): """ The reference sequence that the *in silico* mutagenesis experiment was performed on. Returns ------- str The reference sequence (i.e. non-mutated input) as a string of characters. """ return self._reference_sequence @property def sequence_type(self): """ The type of underlying sequence. This should generally be a subclass of `selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence`. Returns ------- class The type of sequence that the *in silico* mutagenesis was performed on. """ return self._sequence_type
[docs] def get_score_matrix_for(self, feature, reference_mask=None, dtype=np.float64): """ Extracts a feature from the *in silico* mutagenesis results as a matrix, where the reference base positions hold the value for the reference prediction, and alternative positions hold the results for making a one-base change from the reference base to the specified alternative base. Parameters ---------- feature : str The name of the feature to extract as a matrix. reference_mask : float or None, optional Default is `None`. A value to mask the reference entries with. If left as `None`, then no masking will be performed on the reference positions. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional Default is `numpy.float64`. The data type to use for the returned matrix. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A :math:`L \\times N` shaped array (where :math:`L` is the sequence length, and :math:`N` is the size of the alphabet of `sequence_type`) that holds the results from the *in silico* mutagenesis experiment for the specified feature. The elements will be of type `dtype`. Raises ------ ValueError If the input data frame contains a base not included in the alphabet of `sequence_type`. """ if reference_mask is not None: reference_mask = dtype(reference_mask) ret = self._sequence_type.sequence_to_encoding( self._reference_sequence).astype(dtype=dtype) ret[ret < 0] = 0. # Set N's to zero to avoid spurious masking. alpha = set(self._sequence_type.BASES_ARR) for row_idx, row in self._data_frame.iterrows(): # Extract reference value in first row. if row_idx == 0: if row["alt"] == "NA" and row["ref"] == "NA": if reference_mask is None: reference_mask = dtype(row[feature]) ret *= reference_mask continue else: if reference_mask is None: reference_mask = 0. ret *= reference_mask base = row["alt"] i = int(row["pos"]) if base not in alpha: if base != self._sequence_type.UNK_BASE: raise ValueError( "Found character \'{0}\' from outside current alphabet" " on row {1}.".format(base, row_idx)) else: ret[i, self._sequence_type.BASE_TO_INDEX[base]] = dtype( row[feature]) return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(input_path, sequence_type=Genome): """ Loads a `selene_sdk.interpret.ISMResult` from a `pandas.DataFrame` stored in a file of comma separated values (CSV). Parameters ---------- input_path : str A path to the file of comma separated input values. sequence_type : class, optional Default is `selene_sdk.sequences.Genome`. The type of sequence that the *in silico* mutagenesis results are associated with. This should generally be a subclass of `selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence`. Returns ------- selene_sdk.interpret.ISMResult The *in silico* mutagenesis results that were stored in the specified input file. """ return ISMResult(pd.read_csv(input_path, sep="\t", header=0, dtype=str, na_values=None, keep_default_na=False), sequence_type=sequence_type)