This module provides the BedFileSampler class.
import numpy as np
from .file_sampler import FileSampler
[docs]class BedFileSampler(FileSampler):
A sampler for which the dataset is loaded directly from a `*.bed` file.
filepath : str
The path to the file to load the data from.
reference_sequence : selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence
A reference sequence from which to create examples.
n_samples : int
Number of lines in the file. (`wc -l <filepath>`)
sequence_length : int or None, optional
Default is None. If the coordinates of each sample in the BED file
already account for the full sequence (that is,
`end - start = sequence_length`), there is no need to specify
the sequence length. If `sequence_length` is not None, the length
of each sample will be checked to determine whether the sample
coordinates need to be truncated or expanded to reach the
sequence length specified in the model architecture.
targets_avail : bool, optional
Default is False. If `targets_avail`, assumes that it is the
last column of the `*.bed` file. The last column should contain
the indices, separated by semicolons, of features (classes) found
within a given sample's coordinates (e.g. 0;1;45;60). This assumes
that we are only looking for the absence/presence of each feature
within the interval.
n_features : int or None, optional
Default is None. If `targets_avail` is True, must specify
`n_features`, the total number of features (classes).
filepath : str
The path to the file to load the data from.
reference_sequence : selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence
A reference sequence from which to create examples.
n_samples : int
Number of lines in the file. (`wc -l <filepath>`)
sequence_length : int or None, optional
Default is None. If the coordinates of each sample in the BED file
already account for the full sequence (that is,
`end - start = sequence_length`), there is no need to specify
the sequence length. If `sequence_length` is not None, the length
of each sample will be checked to determine whether the sample
coordinates need to be truncated or expanded to reach the
sequence length specified in the model architecture.
targets_avail : bool
If `targets_avail`, assumes that it is the last column of the `*.bed`
file. The last column should contain the indices, separated by
semicolons, of features (classes) found within a given sample's
coordinates (e.g. 0;1;45;60). This assumes that we are only looking
or the absence/presence of each feature within the interval.
n_features : int or None
If `targets_avail` is True, must specify
`n_features`, the total number of features (classes).
def __init__(self,
Constructs a new `BedFileSampler` object.
super(BedFileSampler, self).__init__()
self.filepath = filepath
self._file_handle = open(self.filepath, 'r')
self.reference_sequence = reference_sequence
self.sequence_length = sequence_length
self.targets_avail = targets_avail
self.n_features = n_features
self.n_samples = n_samples
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size=1):
Draws a mini-batch of examples and their corresponding
batch_size : int, optional
Default is 1. The number of examples to include in the
sequences, targets : tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
A tuple containing the numeric representation of the
sequence examples and their corresponding labels. The
shape of `sequences` will be
:math:`B \\times L \\times N`, where :math:`B` is
`batch_size`, :math:`L` is the sequence length, and
:math:`N` is the size of the sequence type's alphabet.
The shape of `targets` will be :math:`B \\times F`,
where :math:`F` is the number of features.
sequences = []
targets = None
if self.targets_avail:
targets = []
while len(sequences) < batch_size:
line = self._file_handle.readline()
if not line:
# TODO: add functionality to shuffle the file if sampler
# reaches the end of the file.
self._file_handle = open(self.filepath, 'r')
line = self._file_handle.readline()
cols = line.split('\t')
chrom = cols[0]
start = int(cols[1])
end = int(cols[2])
strand_side = None
features = None
if len(cols) == 5:
strand_side = cols[3]
features = cols[4].strip()
elif len(cols) == 4 and self.targets_avail:
features = cols[3].strip()
elif len(cols) == 4:
strand_side = cols[3].strip()
# if strand_side is None, assume strandedness does not matter.
# can change this to randomly selecting +/- later
strand_side = '+'
n = end - start
if self.sequence_length and n < self.sequence_length:
diff = (self.sequence_length - n) / 2
pad_l = int(np.floor(diff))
pad_r = int(np.ceil(diff))
start = start - pad_l
end = end + pad_r
elif self.sequence_length and n > self.sequence_length:
start = int((n - self.sequence_length) // 2)
end = int(start + self.sequence_length)
sequence = self.reference_sequence.get_encoding_from_coords(
chrom, start, end, strand=strand_side)
if sequence.shape[0] == 0:
if self.targets_avail:
tgts = np.zeros((self.n_features))
features = [int(f) for f in features.split(';') if f]
tgts[features] = 1
sequences = np.array(sequences)
if self.targets_avail:
targets = np.array(targets)
return (sequences, targets)
return sequences,
[docs] def get_data(self, batch_size, n_samples=None):
This method fetches a subset of the data from the sampler,
divided into batches.
batch_size : int
The size of the batches to divide the data into.
n_samples : int, optional
Default is None. The total number of samples to retrieve.
sequences : list(np.ndarray)
The list of sequences grouped into batches.
An element in the `sequences` list is of
the shape :math:`B \\times L \\times N`, where :math:`B`
is `batch_size`, :math:`L` is the sequence length,
and :math:`N` is the size of the sequence type's alphabet.
if not n_samples:
n_samples = self.n_samples
sequences = []
count = batch_size
while count < n_samples:
seqs, = self.sample(batch_size=batch_size)
count += batch_size
remainder = batch_size - (count - n_samples)
seqs, = self.sample(batch_size=remainder)
return sequences
[docs] def get_data_and_targets(self, batch_size, n_samples=None):
This method fetches a subset of the sequence data and
targets from the sampler, divided into batches.
batch_size : int
The size of the batches to divide the data into.
n_samples : int, optional
Default is None. The total number of samples to retrieve.
sequences_and_targets, targets_matrix : \
tuple(list(tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)), numpy.ndarray)
Tuple containing the list of sequence-target pairs, as well
as a single matrix with all targets in the same order.
Note that `sequences_and_targets`'s sequence elements are of
the shape :math:`B \\times L \\times N` and its target
elements are of the shape :math:`B \\times F`, where
:math:`B` is `batch_size`, :math:`L` is the sequence length,
:math:`N` is the size of the sequence type's alphabet, and
:math:`F` is the number of features. Further,
`target_matrix` is of the shape :math:`S \\times F`, where
:math:`S =` `n_samples`.
if not self.targets_avail:
raise ValueError(
"No targets are specified in the *.bed file. "
"Please use `get_data` instead.")
if not n_samples:
n_samples = self.n_samples
sequences_and_targets = []
targets_mat = []
count = batch_size
while count < n_samples:
seqs, tgts = self.sample(batch_size=batch_size)
sequences_and_targets.append((seqs, tgts))
count += batch_size
remainder = batch_size - (count - n_samples)
seqs, tgts = self.sample(batch_size=remainder)
sequences_and_targets.append((seqs, tgts))
targets_mat = np.vstack(targets_mat).astype(int)
return sequences_and_targets, targets_mat