This module provides the `Sequence` class. This class is the abstract
base class for biological sequence collections (e.g. genomes).
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from ._sequence import _fast_sequence_to_encoding
[docs]def sequence_to_encoding(sequence, base_to_index, bases_arr):
"""Converts an input sequence to its one-hot encoding.
sequence : str
The input sequence of length :math:`L`.
base_to_index : dict
A dict that maps input characters to indices, where the indices
specify the column to assign as 1 when a base exists at the
current position in the input. If a base does not exist at the
current position in the input, it's corresponding column in the
encoding is set as zero. Note that the rows correspond directly
to the positions in the input sequence. For instance, with a
a genome you would have each of `['A', 'C', 'G', 'T']` as keys,
mapping to values of `[0, 1, 2, 3]`.
bases_arr : list(str)
The characters in the sequence's alphabet.
numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float32
The :math:`L \\times N` encoding of the sequence, where
:math:`L` is the length of the input sequence and :math:`N` is
the size of the sequence alphabet.
return _fast_sequence_to_encoding(sequence, base_to_index, len(bases_arr))
def _get_base_index(encoding_row):
unk_val = 1 / len(encoding_row)
for index, val in enumerate(encoding_row):
if np.isclose(val, unk_val) is True:
return -1
elif val == 1:
return index
return -1
[docs]def encoding_to_sequence(encoding, bases_arr, unk_base):
"""Converts a sequence one-hot encoding to its string sequence.
encoding : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float32
The :math:`L \\times N` encoding of the sequence, where
:math:`L` is the length of the sequence, and :math:`N` is the
size of the sequence alphabet.
bases_arr : list(str)
A list of the bases in the sequence's alphabet that corresponds
to the correct columns for those bases in the encoding.
unk_base : str
The base corresponding to the "unknown" character in this
encoding. See `selene_sdk.sequences.Sequence.UNK_BASE` for more
The sequence of :math:`L` characters decoded from the
input array.
sequence = []
for row in encoding:
base_pos = _get_base_index(row)
if base_pos == -1:
return "".join(sequence)
[docs]def get_reverse_encoding(encoding,
The Genome DNA bases encoding is created such that the reverse
encoding can be quickly computed.
encoding : numpy.ndarray
bases_arr : list(str)
base_to_index : dict
complementary_base_dict : dict
reverse_encoding = np.zeros(encoding.shape)
for index, row in enumerate(encoding):
base_pos = _get_base_index(row)
if base_pos == -1:
reverse_encoding[index, :] = 1 / len(bases_arr)
base = complementary_base_dict[bases_arr[base_pos]]
complem_base_pos = base_to_index[base]
rev_index = encoding.shape[0] - row - 1
reverse_encoding[rev_index, complem_base_pos] = 1
return reverse_encoding
def reverse_complement_sequence(sequence, complementary_base_dict):
Finds the reverse complement of a sequence.
sequence : str
The sequence to reverse complement.
complementary_base_dict: dict
A dict that maps bases (`str`) to their complementary bases
The reverse complement of the input sequence.
rev_comp_bases = [complementary_base_dict[b] for b in
return ''.join(rev_comp_bases)
[docs]class Sequence(metaclass=ABCMeta):
The abstract base class for biological sequence classes.
def BASE_TO_INDEX(self):
A dictionary mapping members of the alphabet (i.e. all
possible symbols that can occur in a sequence) to integers.
The dictionary mapping the alphabet to integers.
raise NotImplementedError()
def INDEX_TO_BASE(self):
A dictionary mapping integers to members of the alphabet (i.e.
all possible symbols that can occur in a sequence). We expect
that `INDEX_TO_BASE[i]==BASES_ARR[i]` is `True` for all
valid `i`.
The dictionary mapping integers to the alphabet.
raise NotImplementedError()
def BASES_ARR(self):
This is an array with the alphabet (i.e. all possible symbols
that may occur in a sequence). We expect that
`INDEX_TO_BASE[i]==BASES_ARR[i]` is `True` for all valid `i`.
numpy.ndarray, dtype=str
The array of all members of the alphabet.
raise NotImplementedError()
def UNK_BASE(self):
This is a base used to represent unknown positions. This is not
the same as a character from outside the sequence's alphabet. A
character from outside the alphabet is an error. A position with
an unknown base signifies that the position is one of the bases
from the alphabet, but we are uncertain which.
The character representing an unknown base.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod
def coords_in_bounds(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Checks if queried coordinates are valid.
`True` if the coordinates are in bounds, otherwise `False`.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_sequence_from_coords(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Extracts a string representation of a sequence at the
given coordinates.
The sequence of bases occuring at the queried coordinates.
This sequence will be of length :math:`L` normally, but
only if the coordinates are valid. Behavior is undefined for
invalid coordinates.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod
def get_encoding_from_coords(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Extracts the numerical encoding for a sequence occurring at
the given coordinates.
numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float32
The :math:`L \\times N` encoding of the sequence occuring
at queried coordinates, where :math:`L` is the length of the
sequence, and :math:`N` is the size of the sequence type's
alphabet. Behavior is undefined for invalid coordinates.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod
def sequence_to_encoding(cls, sequence):
"""Transforms a biological sequence into a numerical
sequence : str
The input sequence of characters.
numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float32
The :math:`L \\times N` encoding of the sequence, where
:math:`L` is the length of the sequence, and :math:`N` is
the size of the sequence type's alphabet.
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod
def encoding_to_sequence(cls, encoding):
"""Transforms the input numerical representation of a sequence
into a string representation.
encoding : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float32
The :math:`L \\times N` encoding of the sequence, where
:math:`L` is the length of the sequence, and :math:`N` is
the size of the sequence type's alphabet.
The sequence of bases decoded from the input array. This
sequence will be of length :math:`L`.
raise NotImplementedError()